Bible Verse Explanations and Resources


Lamentations 3:48

Adam Clarke
Bible Commentary

Mine eye runneth down - I weep incessantly.

Albert Barnes
Notes on the Whole Bible
Verses 48-51

The deep sympathy of the prophet, which pours itself forth in abundant tears over the distress of his people.

Lamentations 3:51

Or, “Mine eye” causeth pain to my soul, i. e. maketh my soul ache, because of the sad fate of the maidens (Lamentations 1:4, Lamentations 1:18, … ).

Matthew Henry
Concise Bible Commentary
The more the prophet looked on the desolations, the more he was grieved. Here is one word of comfort. While they continued weeping, they continued waiting; and neither did nor would expect relief and succour from any but the Lord.