13. He shall come up. The subject is not named, but doubtless the “destroyer” of nations ( 7) is meant. The Hebrew verb is often used of going forth to war (see on Judges 1:1).
As clouds. Possibly a figure of the suddenness of the destroyer’s appearance to execute God’s judgments and of the thick masses of the invading hosts (see Eze. 38:16; Joel 2:2).
Whirlwind. A figure doubtless representing the swiftness of the enemy and the confusion resulting from his invasion.
Swifter than eagles. A frequent Biblical figure (see Jer. 48:40; Deut. 28:49; 2 Sam. 1:23; Lam. 4:19; Hab. 1:8).
Woe unto us! A cry of dreadful apprehension by the people as they find themselves hopelessly in the hands of the invading forces (see 20; 9:18, 19).