Four thousand stalls for horses - See the note on 1 Kings 4:26, where the different numbers in these two books are considered. The Targum, instead of four thousand, has מאה ארבע arba meah, four hundred.
In the days when we were struggling with poverty, those who saw how wondrously God wrought for the cause felt that no greater honor could be bestowed upon them than to be bound up with the interests of the work by sacred links which connected them with God. Would they lay down the burden and make terms with the Lord from a money point of view? No, no. Should every timeserver forsake his post, they would never desert the work. 7T 217.1
The believers who in the early history of the cause sacrificed for the upbuilding of the work were imbued with the same spirit. They felt that God demanded of all connected with His cause an unreserved consecration of body, soul, and spirit, of all their energies and capabilities, to make the work a success. 7T 217.2
But in some respects the work has deteriorated. While it has grown in extent and facilities, it has waned in piety. 7T 217.3
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