Judge me, O God, and plead my cause - ריבי ריבה ribah ribi, a forensic term, properly enough translated, plead my cause, be my counsellor and advocate.
Ungodly nation - The Babylonians; the impious, perfidious, wicked, and deceitful Babylonians.
The deceitful and unjust man - Nebuchadnezzar.
Judge me, O God - This does not mean, Pronounce sentence upon me; but, Undertake my cause; interpose in my behalf; do justice in the case. He regarded his own cause as right; he felt that he was greatly wronged by the treatment which he received from people, and he asks to have it shown that he was not guilty of what his enemies charged on him; that he was an upright man, and a friend of God. See Psalm 7:8, note; Psalm 26:1, note.
And plead my cause - See the notes at Psalm 35:1. “Against an ungodly nation.” Margin, unmerciful. Literally, “from a nation not merciful,” or not; religious. The idea is, that the nation or people referred to manifested none of the spirit of religion in their conduct toward him; that he was treated with severity and injustice. This entire description would agree well with the state of things in the time of the rebellion of Absalom, when David was driven from his home and his throne: 2 Samuel 15:31; compare 2 Samuel 16:23; 2 Samuel 17:14, 2 Samuel 17:23.