He that is mighty hath done to me great things - Or, miracles, μεγαλεια . As God fills her with his goodness, she empties herself to him in praises; and, sinking into her own nothingness, she ever confesses that God alone is all in all.
Holy is his name - Probably the word which Mary used was חסד chesed, which though we sometimes translate holy, see Psalm 86:2; Psalm 145:17, yet the proper meaning is abundant goodness, exuberant kindness; and this well agrees with the following clause.
He that is mighty - God.
Hath done to me great things - Hath conferred on me great favors and distinguished mercies.
And holy is his name - This is an expression of Mary‘s feelings, desiring to bestow on God all honor and praise. As the highest honor, she declared that his “name” was “holy” - that is, that God was free from sin, injustice, and impurity. The “name” of God is often put for God Himself. The proper name of God is יהוה Yahweha word expressive of His “essential being,” derived from the word “to be,” Exodus 3:14; Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18. That name is holy; is to be regarded as holy; and to make a common or profane use of it is solemnly forbidden, Exodus 20:7.