It is as high as heaven - High as the heavens, what canst thou work? Deep below sheol, (the invisible world), what canst thou know? Long beyond the earth, and broad beyond the sea, is its measure. These are instances in the immensity of created things, and all out of the reach of human power and knowledge; and if these things are so, how incomprehensible must he be, who designed, created, preserves, and governs the whole!
We find the same thought in Milton: -
"These are thy glorious works, Parent of good!
Almighty! Thine this universal frame:
How wondrous fair! Thyself how wondrous then!"
It is as high as heaven - That is, the knowledge of God; or the subject is as high as heaven. The idea is, that man is incompetent to examine, with accuracy, an object that is as far off as the heavens; and that as the knowledge of God must be of that character, it is vain for him to attempt to investigate it fully. There is an energy in the Hebrew which is lost in our common translation. The Hebrew is abrupt and very emphatic: “The heights of the heavens!” It is the language of one looking up with astonishment at the high heavens, and over-powered with the thought that the knowledge of God must be higher even than those distant skies. Who can hope to understand it? Who can be qualified to make the investigation? It is a matter of simple but sublime truth, that God must be higher than these heavens; and when we take into view the amazing distances of many of the heavenly bodies, as now known by the aid of modern astronomy, we may ask with deeper emphasis by far than Zophar did. “Can we, by searching, find out God?”
Deeper than hell - Hebrew “Than Sheol” - משׁאול meshe'ôl The Septuagint renders this, “the heaven is high, what canst thou do? And there are things deeper than in Hades - βαθύτερα τῶν ἐν ᾃδου bathutera tōn en Hadou - what dost thou know?” On the meaning of the word Sheol, see Isaiah 5:14, note; Isaiah 14:9, note. It seems to have been supposed to be as deep as the heavens are high; and the idea here is, that it would be impossible for man to investigate a subject that was as profound as Sheol was deep. The idea is not that God was in Sheol, but that the subject was as profound as the abode of departed spirits was deep and remote. It is possible that the Psalmist may have had this passage in his eye in the similar expression, occurring in Psalm 139:
If I ascend into heaven, thou art there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there.
Many, especially those who are young in the Christian life, are at times troubled with the suggestions of skepticism. There are in the Bible many things which they cannot explain, or even understand, and Satan employs these to shake their faith in the Scriptures as a revelation from God. They ask, “How shall I know the right way? If the Bible is indeed the word of God, how can I be freed from these doubts and perplexities?” SC 105.1
God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith. SC 105.2
Read in context »It was by the display of supernatural power, in making the serpent his medium, that Satan caused the fall of Adam and Eve in Eden. Before the close of time he will work still greater wonders. So far as his power extends, he will perform actual miracles. Says the Scripture: “He ... deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do,” not merely those which he pretends to do. Something more than mere impostures is brought to view in this scripture. But there is a limit beyond which Satan cannot go, and here he calls deception to his aid and counterfeits the work which he has not power actually to perform. In the last days he will appear in such a manner as to make men believe him to be Christ come the second time into the world. He will indeed transform himself into an angel of light. But while he will bear the appearance of Christ in every particular, so far as mere appearance goes, it will deceive none but those who, like Pharaoh, are seeking to resist the truth. 5T 698.1
Read in context »“Canst thou by searching find out God?<br/>Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?<br/>It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do?<br/>Deeper than hell; what canst thou know?<br/>The measure thereof is longer than the earth,<br/>And broader than the sea.”<br/>“Where shall wisdom be found?<br/>And where is the place of understanding?<br/>Man knoweth not the price thereof;<br/>Neither is it found in the land of the living.<br/>The depth saith, It is not in me:<br/>And the sea saith, It is not with me.<br/>It cannot be gotten for gold,<br/>Neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.<br/>It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir,<br/>With the precious onyx, or the sapphire.<br/>The gold and the crystal cannot equal it:<br/>And the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of<br/>fine gold.<br/>No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls:<br/>For the price of wisdom is above rubies.<br/>The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it,<br/>Neither shall it be valued with pure gold.<br/>Whence then cometh wisdom?<br/>And where is the place of understanding? ...<br/>Destruction and death say,<br/>We have heard the fame thereof with our ears.<br/>God understandeth the way thereof,<br/>And He knoweth the place thereof.<br/>“For He looketh to the ends of the earth,<br/>And seeth under the whole heaven....<br/>When He made a decree for the rain,<br/>And a way for the lightning of the thunder:<br/>Then did He see it, and declare it;<br/>He prepared it, yea, and searched it out.<br/>And unto man He said,<br/>Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;<br/>And to depart from evil is understanding.” MH 430.1
Job 11:7-9; 28:12-28. MH 430
Neither by searching the recesses of the earth nor in vain endeavors to penetrate the mysteries of God's being, is wisdom found. It is found, rather, in humbly receiving the revelation that He has been pleased to give, and in conforming the life to His will. MH 431.1
Read in context »No finite mind can fully comprehend the existence, the power, the wisdom, or the works of the Infinite One. Says the sacred writer: “Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.” Job 11:7-9. The mightiest intellects of earth cannot comprehend God. Men may be ever searching, ever learning, and still there is an infinity beyond. PP 116.1
Yet the works of creation testify of God's power and greatness. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1. Those who take the written word as their counselor will find in science an aid to understand God. “The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.” Romans 1:20. PP 116.2
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