Her priests - Even they whose lips should preserve knowledge, have not instructed the people: they have violated my law, not only in their private conduct, but in their careless and corrupt manner of serving in my temple.
The sixth word of judgment. The special sins of princes, priests, and people.
Ezekiel 22:26
Violated - Better as in margin; to offer “violence” to the Law is to misinterpret it. It was the special office of the priests to keep up the distinction between “holy” and “unholy,” “clean” and “unclean” Leviticus 10:10.
Ezekiel 22:28
See the marginal reference note.
Ezekiel 22:30
The land might be said to perish for the lack of such interpositions as saved their forefathers when Moses “stood in the gap.” This was a proof of the general corruption, that there was not in the city sufficient righteousness to save it from utter destruction. Prince, prophet, priest, all fail.
Our only safety is in being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. We can afford to lose the friendship of worldly men. Those who join themselves to worldly men, that they may carry out their unsanctified purposes, make a fearful mistake; for they forfeit the favor and blessing of God. I am to urge upon the attention of our people that the Lord Himself has placed a wall of separation between the world and that which He has established on the earth. God's people are to serve Him, for Christ has called them out of the world, and sanctified and refined them, that they may do His service.... There is no such thing as maintaining concord between the profane and the holy. There can be no concord between Christ and Belial. But “the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself” (Psalm 4:3). And this consecration to the Lord, this separation from the world, is plainly declared and positively enjoined in both the Old and the New Testaments.—Letter 329, December 11, 1905, to J. A. Burden, manager of the Loma Linda Sanitarium. TDG 354.4
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