9. Divers seeds. A similar injunction had been given with respect to their fields (Lev. 19:19). This law was probably given to ensure the preservation of seed quality. Inferior varieties could easily result from crossbreeding, and against these God sought to protect His people. Scientific, selective crossbreeding was unknown.
Be defiled. Literally, “be holy,” “be sacred,” “be hallowed,” “be consecrated” (Ex. 29:21, 37; 1 Sam. 21:5; 2 Chron. 26:18; 31:6; Ezra 3:5). This term was applied to the priests and Levites, the sacrifices, the altar, to God’s person, the church, etc. Of the 589 times this word and its derivative noun form appear in the , this is the only instance where it is translated “be defiled.” The translators apparently misunderstood the meaning. The meaning here is that the product of the vineyard would become “holy,” that is, “forfeited to the sanctuary” (). It was not to be used by the owner, and might neither be sold nor given away. He was not to benefit from it in any way.